An Eclectic Array of Trash Cans in Manhattan

I’ve notice that the trash cans in Manhattan are just as much as a melting pot.

Uptown and midtown has mostly the flower basket green ones.

Lower midtown to downtown have the old and beaten up ones from the 80-90’s.

Downtown has some revised version of the old and beaten up ones.

Then there are some randomly placed compacting ones here and there. So as the recycling blue and lime green ones (except in parks which are a little more to be seen).


I thought that with Friday’s Supreme Court ruling on issues on same-sex marriage is another historical step toward civil rights and equality and yet then, we are probably stepping half a step backward just looking at the trash cans.  Just because you live in a posh and upscale neighborhood, does it mean that you get the heavy duty stainless steel trash cans that are emptied more often while the one who live in the less desirable and/or older part of town gets the crap from the rich that’s overflowing the trash cans more than you think.  Maybe segregation has moved on to not just ‘RACIAL PROFILING’ but toward ‘INCOME LEVEL’ and soon possibly be on the LGBT demographic because the huge boom of marriages and some are still fixated on the definition of ‘MARRIAGE’ is a ‘HOLY MATRIMONY’ between a man and a woman.

Please refer to my previous blog post on this topic (Definition of Marriage).

While on this subject, Yes – The Bible mentioned a marriage is a ‘HUSBAND’ and a ‘WIFE’.  My argument here is when gender roles are so blurred these days with both working mom and dad, both taking care of their children, both are breadwinners of a household.  Then, before those who want to define ‘MARRIAGE’ as between a man and a woman – then, they should define the the roles of ‘HUSBAND’ and ‘WIFE’ in today’s world?  ‘HUSBAND’ and ‘WIFE’ is basically the same thing to me these days, it’s just that The Bible is written so long ago that the definition of ‘gender roles’ were none existent back then.  Here are some quotes from The Bible that I find interesting:


Proverbs 20:6-7

Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?  The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.

Mark 10:6-9

“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’  ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,  and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Hebrews 13:4-7

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral…


Excuse me, ran off topic completely… I thought that it’s Gay Pride Parade in New York City today that I’d thought I’d like to contribute my opinion and views rather than going all ‘RARRGH…!’ with a fist held up high ranting on how one is supporting gay rights/same-sex marriage in a speech that felt empty with no substance. That it felt more like a PR stint to get media coverage more than anything.  Think Harvey Milk please: “Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk” and truly fought a battle for himself and for the rest of LGBT’s.  It took him years of hard work, planning and sacrifices and it’s not just one speech to show support that would change the world, unless you’re Harvey Milk yourself.


I really want to ask the Mayor, how much does it cost to have it all unified?  If steel/stainless steel/alloys are too expensive, then a version of recycled aluminum wire mesh as the body with a poured concrete mould would do the trick?  With additional recycling ones that look and made the same way but just in the blue and lime colors?


Besides, half of any spotted trash cans are filled with recyclable waste – paper and plastic cups from our too much convenience that we forgot how the entire recycling program was stressed in the 80-90’s.


Furthermore, I definitely think there is a need to develop faster biodegradable bin liners.  We use way too much plastics that keeps making an archeological phenomenon centuries down the road because the rate that it decomposes is too slow.


Just because we’ve been doing things the same way doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement.

One of the versions of the old and beaten up ones…
There are even older versions in SOHO/ Village neighborhoods.
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 Downtown style trash cans…
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The posh ones if you live in one of the better neighborhoods…
These are a standard in Chicago, but only scattered randomly in New York City…
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I’ve never seen this version until today…
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Again, randomly scattered recycling bins…
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See? This is what I mean. Mostly recyclable consumer waste from quick service restaurants…
These restaurants promote recycling and recycling packaging/utensils…
It’s just us who completely forgot because we are too busy, too in a hurry…
We have too much convenience that we became lazy…
To recycle,
To get take-out ourselves around the corner and rely on the poor kid who is the server…
Plus prep-cook, plus delivery man at your neighborhood independent crepe place…
To get groceries from the store, point and click having it delivered,
while we sit and do nothing but fumble on social-media…
Even when you do go get the groceries, for the upscale groceries store…
you’d like to have the staff trolley it out to and hail a cab, place the bags for you.
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Lastly, these black and thick plastics are durable where you can drag them half a mile and it won’t tear.
Then what if buildings and shop owners provide a small fold up cart,
which cost minimal compared to the rent to dispose bags, eh?
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