Congress… Kindergarten Toddlers?!?

I think everyone who pays attention to ‘Meet the Press’, ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’, ‘The Situation Room’, ‘State of the Union’ and ‘Crossfire’.  You’d have some clue of what’s been happening on the first year of Obama’s second term in office…

  • The sequester battle
  • The budget battle
  • The affordable care act battle

Heated debates back and forth from both Democrats and Republicans.  Pointing fingers, explicitly bad-mouthing and probably even back-stabbing at each other non-stop while Congress in session.  Fragmented politicians claims to be sharing same values and ideas with a specific party but seems more like Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face in Batman.  Self-interests are more important to continually remain and maintain the ‘prestigious’ title of a Senator or Congressman/woman that only looks like a bunch of kindergarten toddlers at playground, fighting at the sandbox for a bunch of spades and buckets, sand flying in the air, all over the place and it’s not pretty – at all.

Well, there’s not much to do as the sequester was passed.  In some ways, it’s great to cut some of the unnecessary spending…

However, let’s recall our memory.


Congressman Paul Ryan’s

Budget Plan:


  • Spending levels back to prior 2008, which means actual higher spending that simply leads to more debt.  Meaning that more USD has to be used domestically, which means indirectly printing more notes to be distributed amongst the entire nation – hence, the decrease in the value of the dollar internationally.
  • Block grants, which means it only comes in blocks.  Same as putting out fires whenever is needed with no actual long-term planning and forecast for future needs.  You will never get to have a balance budget when you spend whatever you have in your pocket and starve till the end of the month for the next paycheck.
  • Privatize medicare completely means there’s no control on the fluctuations of prices and cost of healthcare by the government.  As healthcare costs increases year-on-year in a fairly high rate, this option only puts stress onto 60%++ Americans to find affordable healthcare as they retire.  Also probably means that if you don’t make enough in your 30’s-60’s – forget about healthcare and die miserably in your 70’s+.
  • Tax rate cuts across the board for top earning individuals AND corporate tax rates to 25% means that the rich gets richer who disperses their wealth and assets around the world that only benefits other countries.  Also, means that only the ‘elitist’ stays to be the top 1% – 2% of the population, it’s just like how ‘men goes for their cigars and whisky at the end of a meal’ – the so-called ‘gentleman’s club’ or should I say the ‘I don’t care for the 60% club’?
  • Do you think money just falls out of the sky like a damn thunderstorm?  Oh… it’s pouring outside and let’s get the largest soup pot and all go out and collect the money falling from the sky!!!  Absolutely not happening and will never happen.  The above so-called budget plan and savings in the short term looks all rosy but in the long run, it actually eventually leads to higher government spending to support the not so 1%-2% ‘elitists’ – burden on the middle class, pushing middle class to lower income group and down toward the poverty line.  Once again, eventually, Federal and State budgets has to allocate more funds on social welfare and support programs, which leads to higher deficit – especially, some States are already running at red figures, for example, bankrupt Detroit?



Lavishly Bush Years:

Expenditures and Spending?


  • For your information, from 2001-2009, the final public debt has increased USD $7,333,388 MILLIONS.  That equates to 54% of the total deficit when the Bush administration term ends, which carried forward to Obama’s administration and every single person points their finger at Obama instead of…)
  • Now, go back to first point.  If our nation takes spending back to 2008?!? In another 4-years, that’s another WHOPPING 27% increase in CURRENT deficit levels.  ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN ‘BEEEEP’ MIND?!?!


21-hour Non-Stop Yapping

of Senator Ted Cruz:



  • Congress rested and had a lovely summer vacation while the rest of the ENTIRE White House and the Obama administration work endlessly from domestic to international issues…
  • And the Congress session starts with at a high note with the continuation of a filibuster from Senator Ted Cruz to stop the progress of our nation with a 21-hour speech that’s far from constructive but only with criticism that does no contribution to enhance, to change, to give ideas, to bring forward a better proposal, to intellectually discuss.
  • Who has a law degree?  Yet, to quote from children’s books to science fiction movies.  Very professional – Not really.  It sounds more like material that’s been well been prepared in advance from those who loves hunting in the cold with a part of whisky in hand, reading Dr. Seuss to kids in the tent, while the RV sitting next to it with the spouse binging on science fiction movies and nothing else but that.
  • When has our Congress became to such a state?  Both the Senate and the House are elected by the people of United States.  Are Americans sending the right – strong and convincing signals to Senators and Congressman/woman?  Or some are just acting as they wish – just because they have this distinctive title and the power to do whatever they want with self-interest in mind and not for the general majority of Americans?
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